Scalabrinian Spirituality
It is only in this way that we can understand the spirituality of Bishop Scalabrini. He did nothing else but live the ideal he was proposing to all Christians:
"God loves his Son and loves him in essence. It is impossible that he may find his delight in anyone else but in him because God’s love is infinite and it can only have an object of infinite value: Hic est Filius meus dilectus in quo mihi bene complacui—This is my own dear Son, with whom I am well pleased. (Mt 17,5). But this beloved Son of his, became man. Therefore, he loves man in him. With one joy and one love he embraces all, body, flesh, and soul. Now, we are that flesh, those bones; we are that nature, we are one body with Christ and in him and through him we are made children of God, in fact, the very Son of God who is in us. Therefore, in him we, too, are embraced and included by the Father in one act of love. As the sonship of God by which Christ is the Son of God widens and extends in us and on us, so also the love of the Father widens and extends to us. In this way, we too are made pleasing to God and favored by him in Christ who is, by nature, pleasing to and favored by him: gratificavit nos in dilecto Filio Suo—He made us pleasing to him in his Beloved Son. (Pastoral Letter, Lent 1878. Piacenza, 1878. pp.16-17).
Source: THE SPIRITUALITY OF BISHOP SCALABRINI of Mario Francesconi, cs Translated from Italian by Martin Bortolazzo, cs and Ezio Marchetto, cs

Get in Touch with the organizing committee
Fr. Leonilo Mantilla, cs; Fr. Leo Bobila, cs; Fr. Nguyen Van Giang, cs; Fr. Tran Quoc Bao, cs and Bro. Vu Ngoc Khanh, cs


Fr. Tran Quoc Bao, cs
Bro. Robertus Wawan Setiawan, cs

Fr. Dexter Ignacio, cs
Fr. Hendrikus Arianto Ukat, cs

Bro. Nguyen Trong Khuong, cs
Bro. To Van Binh, cs

Bro. Yohanes Don Bosco Londa Da, cs
Bro. Nguyen Van Chuong, cs
Bro. Heronimus Rambak, cs

Bro. Oktavianus Pendong Jedadu, cs
Bro. Saul Hernan Gauto Cabera, cs

Fr. Tran Quoc Bao, cs
Bro. Daniel Civil Marroquin, cs
Bro. Yohanes Nepomusenus, cs

MONDAY, 29th of JULY
14:00 Arrival – Registration (c/o Fr. Bao)
18:00 Mass
19:00 Dinner
20: 00 Social night (c/o social coordinators)

07:00 Breakfast
08:00 Opening prayer - Lauds
08:20 Welcoming remarks and official opening by the Provincial Superior
08: 30 Spirituality of St. Scalabrini (Fr. Thiet, CS)
09: 00 Scalabrinian Spirituality (Fr. Edwin, CS)
09: 30 Q&A and guidelines for the Groups’ sharing
10:00 Break
10: 30 Groups’ sharing: How to promote St. Scalabrini’s spirituality and Scalabrinian spirituality in SFCP?
11: 15 Groups’ Reports: (5 minutes each group)
12:00 Lunch
14h45: Rosary
15:15 Safeguarding (Fr. Luis and Michael)
16: 30 Break
17: 00 Eucharist Celebration & Evening Prayer:
Presider: Fr. Leo (25th priestly Anniversary) Nuncio (Synodal Church)?
Gospel Reader: Rev. Jonas
Homilist: Fr. Leonilo
18:00 Going dinner at Ermita Center (c/o Fr. Paulo)

07:00 Breakfast
08:00 Lauds
08:20 Synodal Community in Mission and Reports
Philippines: ECMI, Stella Maris and Indonesia: Batam (10 minutes each)
Synodal Community in Mission and Reports
Japan and Taiwan: Kaohsiung, Taipei, Tainan (10 minutes each)
10:00 Break
10: 30 Synodal Community in Formation and Reports (10 minutes each)
STHS – SFC – Postulancy – Novitiate
Synodal Community in Formation and reports (15 minutes each)
Ruteng – Maumere –Vietnam
12:00 Lunch
14h45: Rosary
15:15 Reports (10 minutes each)
Vocation Office: Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam
16:00 Break
16: 30 Sharing of Pastoral Year Brothers (10 mins each):
Bro. Ha & Hendro
17: 00 Break
18: 00 Eucharistic Celebration & Evening Prayer:
Presider: Fr. Dexter Nuncio (Synodal Church)?
Gospel reader: Rev. Jonas
Homilist: Fr. Paulo
19:00 Dinner out by groups

07:00 Breakfast
08:00 Lauds
08:30 Updates from the Province by the Provincial Superior
9:00 Preparing for the XVI General Chapter (Fr. Paulo and Fr. Dex)
10:30 Break
11: 00 Preparing for the XVI General Chapter (Fr. Paulo and Fr. Dex)
12: 00 Lunch
14h45 Rosary
15: 15 Scalabrini’s villages
16:00 Break
16:30 Varia, Evaluation of RASA 2024 and Planning for the next RASA (every two years?)
17: 30 Break
18:00 Eucharist Celebration & Evening Prayer: Conclusion of RASA 2024
Presider: Fr. Provincial Superior Nuncio (Synodal Church)?
Gospel reader: Rev. Jonas
Homilist: Fr. Provincial Superior
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Free night

07:00 Breakfast
09: 00 Mass (For those who want)
12:00 Check-out
Note: Please check out before 12:00 noon.