Scalabrinian Spirituality
It is only in this way that we can understand the spirituality of Bishop Scalabrini. He did nothing else but live the ideal he was proposing to all Christians:
"God loves his Son and loves him in essence. It is impossible that he may find his delight in anyone else but in him because God’s love is infinite and it can only have an object of infinite value: Hic est Filius meus dilectus in quo mihi bene complacui—This is my own dear Son, with whom I am well pleased. (Mt 17,5). But this beloved Son of his, became man. Therefore, he loves man in him. With one joy and one love he embraces all, body, flesh, and soul. Now, we are that flesh, those bones; we are that nature, we are one body with Christ and in him and through him we are made children of God, in fact, the very Son of God who is in us. Therefore, in him we, too, are embraced and included by the Father in one act of love. As the sonship of God by which Christ is the Son of God widens and extends in us and on us, so also the love of the Father widens and extends to us. In this way, we too are made pleasing to God and favored by him in Christ who is, by nature, pleasing to and favored by him: gratificavit nos in dilecto Filio Suo—He made us pleasing to him in his Beloved Son. (Pastoral Letter, Lent 1878. Piacenza, 1878. pp.16-17).
Source: THE SPIRITUALITY OF BISHOP SCALABRINI of Mario Francesconi, cs Translated from Italian by Martin Bortolazzo, cs and Ezio Marchetto, cs

Get in Touch with the organizing committee
Frs. Jose A. Gutierrez, Emman Chuntic, and Reinaldo Vassoler.


Fr. Delmar Silva
Fr. Restituto Ogsimer.

Fr. Leo Bobila
Fr. Tran Van Thiet.

Fr. Emanuel Logo Like
Fr. Miguel De Araujo Bestias

Fr. Heribertus Mangkur
Fr. Atanasius Dewantara

Fr. Tomas Ruiz
Fr. Franco Lacanaria.

Fr. Bao Tran Quoc Fr. Jose A. Gutierrez.

Afternoon - Arrival
6.00 pm - Opening Liturgy
Introduction of the Assembly’s Executive Committee Approval of the Agenda
Welcome remarks and Official Opening by the Provincial
Superior 6:30 pm - Dinner at the venue 7:30 pm - Social Night

7.00 am - Breakfast
8.30 am - Morning Prayer
9:00 am - Report from the Provincial Superior
10.10 am -Break
10.25 am -Seminarians Presentation (Maumere)
10.30 am -Q & A with the Provincial Superior
10.50 am - Reports from the Provincial Secretariats: Religious and Pastoral Life
Formation and on-going Formation and Mission.
11:30 am Report from the Provincial Bursar
12.30 pm - Lunch
3.00 pm - Q & A on the Provincial Bursar’s Presentation
3:30 pm - Break
3:45 pm - Seminarians Presentation (Ruteng) 3:50 pm - Safeguarding (Speaker: David )
4:50 pm - Safeguarding (Fr.Savino and Michael Elphick) 5:30 pm - Preparation for departure
5.40 pm - Departure to OLMC
6.00 pm - Mass at Our Lady of Mt Carmel – Mt Pritchard Parish
(Anthony 55th, Maurizo 35th)
7.30 pm - Socials - Dinner at Our Lady of Mt Carmel Hall
10:00 pm -Return to the Club

7.00 am - Breakfast
8.30 am - Morning Prayer
9.00 am - Workshop 1: Sharing on Religious Life as preparation for the
General Chapter (c/o Fr. Paulo and chapter delegates)
10:10 am - Break
10:25 am - Seminarians Presentation ( Cebu Community)
10:30 am - Workshop 2: Sharing on Mission and Pastoral Life as preparation for the General Chapter (c/o Fr. Paulo and chapter delegates)
12:00 pm - Presentation of Scalabrini Village Project
12.30 pm - Lunch
3:00 pm - Presentation of Profile by the Jubilarians 2024 3:30 pm - Preparation for departure
4:00 pm - Departure to Northern Beaches
5:00 pm - Visit to Frenchs Forest Cemetery - Prayer for Deceased Scalabrinians
6.30 pm- Mass at St. Kevin Warringah Parish ( Fr. Resty & Fr Leo 25th)
7:30 pm - Socials - Dinner at St. Kevin’s Hall 10:00 pm - Return to the Club

7.00 am - Breakfast
8.30 am - Morning Prayer
9:00 am - Session dedicated to the 30th General Chapter (c/o Fr. Paulo and chapter delegates)
10.10 am - Break
10:25 am - Seminarians Presentation (SFC Community)
10.30 am - Session dedicated to the 30th General Chapter
(c/o Fr. Paulo and chapter delegates)
12.30 pm - Lunch
3.00 pm - Guest Speaker on Religious and Consecrated Life
4:00 pm - Presentation on the Anniversary of our presence in Taiwan (c/o Fr. Nilo)
4:30 pm - Break
4:45 pm - Seminarian Presentation (STHS Community) 5:00 pm - Holy Mass
6:00 pm- Dinner at the Venue 7.00 pm- Socials (Free Night)

Morning Prayer
Live online interaction with the Seminarians in Ruteng / Maumere, Indonesia
Session: Time for varia, issues, concerns, ideas, suggestions… / open forum
Session: Evaluation of the 54th PA and preparation for the 55th Provincial Assembly (Venue, preparatory committee, moderators, secretaries, liturgists, scrutineers, socials and IT)
Concluding Mass: Provincial Superior and Councilors